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Wall Street Journal - föstudaginn 25. september 1931

Premier Laval will reportedly discuss with German officials "a scientific plan of emigration to cure Europe's unemployment problem." Noting that before the war Europe exported 2M-3M emigrants annually but since the war the US, Canada, Australia and Asia have closed their doors, the plan will propose studying "diverting surplus population to the African colonies and South America under sound economic conditions.

Dow: 107.79 -8.20 (7.1%)


Friday, September 25, 1931

Fyrri fćrsla

Evra ESB og ASÍ: Laun lćkka áfram í Ţýskalandi og gufa upp á Spáni 

« Síđasta fćrsla | Nćsta fćrsla »


1 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

Gyđingaútrýming hefur veriđ notuđ. Ekki er hćgt ađ kenna ţeim um nú. Nú eru Schmidt og Krüger ađ lćra arabísku, og bćta líklega fleiri málum viđ, nú ţegar ţeir fá ekki ódýran fisk frá auđtrúa bjánum á Íslandi og ţeir ţurfa ađ halda uppi ţjóđum sem ţeir lokkuđu međ inn í útópíuna.

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 11.7.2013 kl. 23:05

2 Smámynd: Gunnar Rögnvaldsson

Ţakka ţér Vilhjálmur og gott ađ sjá ţig hér

Óskabarn Hemlut Schmidts, umfram allt annađ, var og er enn ERM (The European Exchange Rate Mechanism). Enginn lét sér meira annt um ţetta fyrirbćri frá árinu 1977 en einmitt hann sjálfur; Hemlut Schmidt. Ţetta hélt smóknum og vonum hans gangandi. Og líklega krafđist keđjureykinga.

Á tímabili ţegar allt útlit var fyrir ađ ERM-bakstur Schmidts myndi ţrátt fyrir allt líklega ekki ala af sér hiđ fyrirhugađa EMU (The Economic and Monetary Union) er vandrćđagangurinn í ERM-pyntingarklefa Evrópusambandsins árin 1991-1993 var hve mestur, vegna einmitt ţess skrímslis sem ERM í eđli sínu var og er enn sem hinn fyrsti-fasi-af-ţrem til evruupptöku, ţá létu ţýskir valdhafar sig dreyma um ađ hćgt vćri bara ađ dusta rykiđ af áćtlanagerđ ţýska fjármálaráđuneytisins frá 1941 —sem jú hafđi margsannađ getu sína á Gyđingum— og ađ ţeir myndu einfaldlega fá "a hard DM-zone yfir evru. Ađ ţýska markiđ (DM) myndi verđa tekiđ upp, en ekki evran.

Kveđjur til ţín


Tacit misunderstanding


The authorities of France itself fell unwontedly silent during their period of jockeying for position on the future of the ERM. Trichet's main concern was not to rock the boat. Thus, while he continued to insist on the responsibility of all countries to give priority to the 'common good', he rather obviously interpreted this 'common good' as an obligation for Germany to adapt its policies to French needs and for all other countries to avoid exchange-rate developments that affected French competitiveness adversely.


There was one implication of the French position, however, that could not be masked yet was unacceptable to the Bundesbank. The French government's determination to avoid a franc devaluation, come what may, signalled that it considered the ERM a fixed-rate régime, the de facto monetary union now condemned as dangerous illusion by both Tietmeyer and Schlesinger. For the Bundesbank, monetary union could proceed only if the conditions laid down by the Maastricht Treaty were satisfied and the degree of political union required to create a 'community of solidarity' achieved. Schlesinger may well have hoped that this meant never, perhaps preferring instead a OM-zone, probably along the lines of the 1941 Economics Ministry plan. For Tietmeyer, the problem was that a de facto monetary union would imply a de facto political union. But a de facto union would be one within an unchanged institutional structure. It would therefore be unacceptable to German political and public opinion. Kohl could support the franc only as long as it was not too politically costly - in terms either of his own European aims or of public opinion - to do so. The point of defending the franc was to avoid derailing a process whose momentum would lead to the right sort of political union: one whose institutional structure would enshrine German dominance in the Community, thus allowing it to pursue its objectives in Central and Eastern Europe by leading Western Europe. (3)


Conceding de facto monetary union to France now would totally alter the dynamics of the integration process. It would allow France to avoid the institutional change both desired by Kohl and demanded by German public opinion as a quid pro quo for relinquishing German monetary authority.


(3) Tietmeyer had given a remarkable insight into his own preoccupations as early as the end of 1989, shortly after Kohl had put forward his ten-point plan - soon overtaken by events - for eventual German unification. At an international gathering of monetary officials, when someone said that the DDR would soon be known as 'eastern Germany' rather than 'East Germany', Tietmeyer tartly remarked that many Germans regarded the DDR as 'central' Germany (at that time, Kohl was showing signs of being one of the many apparently reluctant to accept the German-Polish frontier as definitive).



Tekiđ frá blađsíđum 284 til 285 í bókinni "The Rotten Heart of Europe", eftir Bernard Connolly - og sem frá Faber and Faber í London og Boston kom út áriđ 1996 (sjá; Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU)


Gunnar Rögnvaldsson, 12.7.2013 kl. 03:19

3 Smámynd: Gunnar Rögnvaldsson

Screen Shot 2013-06-04 at 17.55.58 

Takiđ vinsamlegast eftir "10 punkta áćtluninni" og svo um ţann "confederatvie structure" => tvö ríki en í ríkjasambandi => sem Kohl talar um viđ forsteta Bandaríkjanna ţarna ţegar DDR var ađ hrynja

Gunnar Rögnvaldsson, 12.7.2013 kl. 03:30

4 Smámynd: Gunnar Rögnvaldsson

Já . . 

Rétt er ađ geta ţess ađ skjámyndin hér ađ ofan er úr skjali (98274F4C2C674738AE33D0164DCA4DEE) yfir samrćđur Helmut Kohls kanslara Vestur-Ţýskalands og George H. W. Bush forseta Bandaríkjanna og sem nú hefur veriđ "declassified" og situr vel í skjalasafni frú Margrétar Thatchers á The Margaret Thatcher Foundationhttp://www.margaretthatcher.org/

Gott er ađ frú Margaret Thatcher skildi eftir sig heilt haf af upplýsingum sem annars vćru kannski ófáanlegar


Gunnar Rögnvaldsson, 12.7.2013 kl. 10:59

5 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

Ţakka ţér fyrir ţessar upplýsingar, sem ég kannađist ekki viđ. Ég ćtla ađ skođa skjalasafni Thatchers viđ tćkifćri. Ţarna ef mikill fróđleikur.

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 12.7.2013 kl. 11:17

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Gunnar Rögnvaldsson
Gunnar Rögnvaldsson

Búseta: Ísland.
Reynsla: 25 ára búseta í ESB og fyrirtækja-rekstur í DK/ESB frá 1985 til 2010. Samband:
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