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WirtschaftsWoche: Axel Weber fer - verðbólgan kemur inn

Forsíða hins vikulega þýska viðskiptablaðs, Wirtschaftswoche.

Þess var ekki lengi að bíða að hin eina - en nú brostna - von Þjóðverja um stöðugan gjaldmiðil í Þýskalandi kæmi út á pappír. Almenningsálitið verður evrunni ekki hagstæðara en þetta blað atvinnurekenda sýnir hér á forsíðu sinni, sem helguð er brottför Axels Weber úr þýska seðlabankanum, og um leið sem kandídats til embættis seðlabankastjóra evrunnar.

 Axel Weber fer - verðbóga kemur


Google þýðing, nokkuð hroðaleg, úr þýsku yfir á ensku, á fyrsta hluta greinarinnar. En skilaboðin eru skýr.

How this is actually when the pilot leaves the ship - or is gone? By Federal President Horst Köhler and Hessen Minister President Roland Koch has Axel Weber's no-longer-candidacy for the German Bundesbank and European Central Bank in just seven months another alpha male struggle for dominance in the pride of the German political elite unilaterally and prematurely terminated the said . But while the President gives more of a friendly breakfast and director of the Hessian Minister President emits only relevance in the radius of a large church tower, are time and context of the resignation of the Bundesbank president far more momentous:

Without Weber lacks the monetary policy hawks in the presidency of the European Central Bank (ECB), the guide, the German was seen as a guarantee that the ECB in tradition and inheritance of the German Bundesbank monetary stability to the utmost to defend, freeing up the central bank influences the policy and ensure that the monetary union are not completely degenerate to a European transfer union.

If Weber does not like, Chancellor Angela Merkel a candidate for the ECB to peak. Thus loses its policy for the EU common currency in political credibility - to the hard-held down critics, inflation, and redistribution-loads of German taxpayers fear get the upper hand; Þýska vefútgáfan 

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Gunnar Rögnvaldsson

Búseta: Ísland.
Reynsla: 25 ára búseta í ESB og fyrirtækja-rekstur í DK/ESB frá 1985 til 2010. Samband:
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